Tuesday, July 13, 2010

THING 4, SAMPLE G: The Final Product

OK- this "finished" product comes with more qualifications and disclaimers than one typically hears at the end of a pharmaceutical advertisement!

Finished, in this context, means "all that I am going to do" rather than complete. I have spent so many hours trying to get the clips, audio, transitions and timing right that my rear-end is becoming one with the chair and waffle weave patterns permanently cross my thighs. (Gotta love that image, huh?)

I could sit here for another 36 hours, but I don't think that the precision of my project would improve. There are, though, some things that have yet to be done:

1. A Title Screen

2. A Music Track - I have the music, Coldplay's "Things I don't Understand" and Johnny Nash's "I Can See Clearly Now" downloaded and ready to use, but I am having trouble adjusting the volume of two competing tracks. So, until I can get some expert help with the audio levels, I am going to leave the music unplayed. (That sounds like a sad folk song, doesn't it?)

3. The Works Cited Page for images. I have saved all of the image weblinks in my favorites, so it is just a matter of getting it done. Yuck. I think I'll take the Scarlet O'Hara approach and worry about that tomorrow.

4. What else is missing? With the video, I mean. I know that the blog posts are not complete, but that shouldn't (won't) take too much time. I hope.

I know that the videos are growing tiresome, so I understand if you don't want to watch it again. There are a few surprises, though...

1 comment:

nancym said...

Dah, Dah, DAHHHH! That was a trumpet blasting. I am so impressed. I love the muppets, monkey... and of course Captain Obvious. I think your final project is one to be proud of. Now let's see what others think?